Okay, it's time for the *~*~*First Official Reader Poll*~*~* here at The Stories I Tell.
I have one more "first" left in the Five Firsts series. So, you handful of faithful followers. What story do you want to hear?
Choose from the list below or add your write-in vote in the comments section. I'll reveal the gory or geeky or girly details based on your votes.
1. My first night as a sorority girl. (Gasp! Yes it's true. I wore the Greek letters, people.)
2. My first day of first grade. (The story involves Cap'n Crunch cereal, a rhyming poem, and a brown crayon.)
3. My first training bra. (Featuring mortifying comments by my dad.)
4. My first job. (Complete with a motley crew of employees that include an ex-con, a woman who regularly forgot to eat, and the owner, whom we called "Flipper," for good reason, mind you.)
5. My first talent show. (Madonna, a blue sparkly glove, and fifth grade band geeks. Fun times!)
Vote now! Lines open at the end of the show and stay open until midnight. Who will be the next American Idol? (...wait, I don't even watch that show. Talk about the infiltration of pop culture!)
Seriously, I'll leave voting open until Friday (5/25/07) or until I have 20 votes (from 20 different people -- and no aliases!), whichever comes first.
Edited to add: I'm leaving voting open until midnight tonight (Friday). That means you have six hours to cast your vote. Hurry!