In-Person Workshop: Write Into the "Heart" of Your Story

I'm excited to be teaching a three-hour pre-conference workshop at HippoCamp: A Conference for Creative Nonfiction Writers on August 24, 2018, in Lancaster, PA. Workshop details and registration are here.
This writing conference is one of the best I've attended. The sessions are interesting and useful, the people are smart and friendly, and the whole vibe is welcoming and inspiring. This will be my third time attending (and teaching at) HippoCamp, and I love it. If you write (or want to write creative nonfiction), I hope you'll check it out.
How do we write beyond what happened and into the beating heart of a story? How do we create literary art from everyday life while telling the truth — but without becoming smarmy? In this session, we’ll explore craft techniques to enliven your prose, deepen your stories, and create connection with readers.
Topics will include understanding the two essential building blocks of creative nonfiction; using imagery and metaphor to create meaning; and choosing and slanting details to create texture and depth. This session will benefit any writer seeking to move beyond "just the facts" without tipping over into a "sentimental journey."
We'll look at how newer writers often fall into one of two traps: only recording what happened, or only sharing what they thought and felt. But great essays, memoir, and even blog posts combine these two aspects to create art from life. Learning to do this in my own work drastically improved my writing, and I see other writers "level up' all the time when they learn these techniques.
Full workshop and conference details are here.
Questions about HippoCamp or my workshop? Let me know in the comments below or contact me.
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