A Weekend of Connection, Creativity, Learning & Laughter

{psst...you don't have to say "yes" yet, but if you think "maybe," please see the note below about reserving a room (no charge!) TODAY by Friday, Sept. 27, before they block is released to the public. there's still time to figure out the "how" and make full arrangements later.}
Could you use a weekend of in-person connection and creativity with kind-hearted kindreds?
How about some laughter and learning?
Maybe a dance party or some hula-hooping fun?
Or maybe an acoustic concert at a winery is more your style?
What about a nice cup of tea or a relaxing soak in a warm pool?
Or how about a quiet bedroom with a bed to call your own, no little (or big) feet poking you in the ribs or four-footed friends climbing on your head?
Yes? Maybe? Just possibly?
Please join me and a group of lovely women for the Soul Sisters Conference next month, just outside of Portland, Oregon.
UPDATED: Today (9/25) Friday (9/27) is the last day to book your room at McMenamin's Edgefield before the resort releases that block of rooms to the public.
BUT -- and this is a great but! -- you can reserve your room with no money down, and you have until late next month (48 hours before the event) to cancel your room if you need to. This means you can snag a bedroom reservation today and then figure out how/if/yes you can come to the conference!
You don't have to register for the conference today or book your travel today or pay for your room today. But if you have even the slightest inkling that you'd like to join us (even if you still need to figure out the how), please book a bedroom today.
Details on booking a room are here.
This will be a weekend of good things: story-telling, new-friend-meeting, old-friend-hugging, photo-taking, poem-making, true-self-finding, creativity-stoking, soulful-fun-having, spirit-rejuvenating wonderfulness.
If you're committed to creating a life of beauty, kindness, and genuine connection, I think you will love this Soul Sisters gathering.
(Book your bedroom today before the rooms are released to the public, and then figure out if you can come. I'll be back later with more posts about my storytelling session and the rest of the wonderful workshops.)
Any questions? Let me know!